
In this letter, the terms of use and conditions of Inflatable Pads, located in Unites States, are established, which will be used for access and use by users of this website. We ask for your full attention and understanding of this contract.

By searching, entering and using the website, users accept compliance with the terms and conditions established in this contract. If you refuse to be bound by these terms and conditions, you may not use or access the Inflatable Pads website. Please note that we, Inflatable Pads, reserve the right to make adjustments to this agreement if deemed appropriate. Therefore, we suggest the user frequently review the updates made to it.

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This website is directed exclusively to people residing in Costa Rica. With respect to users who reside in another country and wish to access to use the Inflatable Pads website, they will do so at their own risk, for which they must confirm that access to the website and its respective uses comply with the applicable laws in the country of residence.

User Requirements

The Inflatable Pads website and the services suggested by it are offered to users with the legal capacity to accept contracts that legally bind them according to the applicable legislation.

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Minors are not authorized to access the Inflatable Pads website. In case you are a minor, please avoid using this website.


In this process, Inflatable Pads does not give the user a limited, non-transferable, non-exclusive, revocable or non-transferable license; To find out and download, temporarily, the content offered from this web page through a copy, exclusively for the personal use of the visitor, or within his business, and never for commercial uses.

All material displayed on the website, among other examples, documents, graphic material, text, video, audio, sound, illustrations, images, HTML code and software, is the sole and exclusive property of Inflatable Pads, or companies that provide such materials.

All content on the site is protected by Costa Rican, international, and US CopyWrite or copyright laws, as well as by all other laws, rules, and regulations that apply to intellectual property rights. However, unless expressly provided otherwise in this contract, and/or unless by legal imperative that is openly permitted by laws repealing those currently in force, the user may not copy, display, distribute, modify, use , store, delete, download, publish, adapt, reproduce, resell, transmit, sell, reverse the form of creation or invent products based on this content. You will also not be permitted to use the content on other websites or in any media, such as in a network environment, without the express prior written permission of Inflatable Pads.

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All trademarks, service marks, images and logos displayed on the website are the property of Inflatable Pads and their respective owners.

The user will not have access to the Marks in any way without the prior written authorization of Tpodo Gastritis and their respective owners.

Information provided by the user

The Inflatable Pads website allows the user to be in a forum for obtaining work and information of professional interest. By offering and entering the information on the website (User Information), the visitor or user grants Inflatable Pads, license and indefinite, irrevocable, non-exclusive right, free of loyalties, for the maximum time given by the applicable legislation, but you are not obligated to use, modify, display, download, reproduce, publish, copy, distribute, store, transmit, or create products that are derived in whole or in part from the User Information, in any way.

The user accepts and acknowledges that Inflatable Pads is simply a passive forum, by which users can be informed. Inflatable Pads does not verify or verify or control User information. Therefore, Inflatable Pads does not assume any guarantee regarding the reliability, integrity, accuracy, veracity or validity of the information provided and issued by users.

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Inflatable Pads reserves the right to deny, remove, mirror, block or remove user-described information that Inflatable Pads deems unacceptable. If Inflatable Pads receives any information or notification regarding the rejection of certain information submitted by users, Inflatable Pads will have the ability to investigate said information with absolute discretion.

The visitor or user accepts and assumes that Inflatable Pads may keep a copy of the user’s information, and make use of certain information revealing it to third parties if it considers the act necessary to:

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(i) Protect the integrity of Inflatable Pads

(ii) Protect the rights of Inflatable Pads

(iii) Comply with any court order

(iv) Comply with any legal procedure, current or not.

(v) Assert the actions and rights that RH has under this contract, and finally

(vi) Consent to any request related to the infringement of third party copyrights.

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